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40 sponge diagram with labels

The following diagrams come from Invertebrate Zoology, by Rupert and Barnes. The photos are my own. Here is a close view of an asconoid sponge from our aquaria in the lab - similar if not identical to the one in Fig 5-3 B above: Start studying Label a sponge. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

The Digestive System and Its Porifera Phylum. Porifera, also known as sponges, are the types of phylum that live underwater. This phylum is different from other ...

Sponge diagram with labels

Sponge diagram with labels

Label Sponge External Anatomy Diagram Using the definitions listed below, label the sponge and the flow of water through it. A page on sponges: epidermis - the layer of cells that covers the outer surface of the sponge. The thin, flattened cells of the epidermis are called pinacocytes. Biology questions and answers. 1.Identify/label the following structures in the sponge diagram. choanocytes radial canal spongocoel osuculum - Trace the flow of water through the structures listed above. - What cells of the sponge create the water flow and how do they generate the flow? To help students learn the anatomy of the sponge, print out a black and white version of the color diagram below: Anatomy of the Sponge. _____ Testing and Assessment. Assess content comprehension about Porifera (Sponges) with the Mutiple Choice Test. Assess anatomical vocabulary comprehension of the Sponge Anatomy Labeling Page.

Sponge diagram with labels. View Sponge Labeling Diagram (1).pdf from SCIENCE 1011 at Central Dauphin School District. Sponge Labeling Diagram Poriferans = Pore Bearing Sponges are ... Specialised Cells: Sponges have special collar cells (or choanocytes) that are unique in the animal kingdom. They have flagella, whip-like structures that work to set up water currents so the sponge can sieve food particles from the water. The water comes in through an inhalant pore and leaves the sponge via an exhalant pore. Apr 10, 2019 - Label Sponge External Anatomy Diagram Printout. ... External Anatomy - EnchantedLearning.com Enchanted Learning, Anatomy, Label, Diagram. Start studying Sponge (Porifera) Diagram Functions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Marine Sponges: Sponge Morphology Questions 1. To which phylum do sponges belong? How many species are there? How do they feed? 2. Draw, label, and color the “Sponge Morphology” diagram on the back of the paper (top half). 3. Define the following terms: a. Body wall – b. Ostia – c. Filter chambers – d. Atrium – e. Osculum – 4. Also, if you are in my Bio 351 class (Invertebrate Biology), see the additional diagrams and photos here: Additional Sponge Diagrams and Photos. Hydra is a coelenterate, along with the jellyfish (Scyphozoa), sea . 2Figure 2: Sea Sponge labeled diagram. Figure 1: Sea-anemone (cnidarian) illustration showing radial symmetry Three essential characteristics to observe while progressing through each animal phyla are symmetry, cephalization, and body cavity. Correctly label the following features of sponge anatomy. I pore osculum w H.O out nucleus sponge wall spicule arnoebocyte epidermal cell H.O in through pores collar cell (choanocyte) amoebocyte collar central cavity flagellum < Prey 5 of 18 18 Next > Question: Correctly label the following features of sponge anatomy. I pore osculum w H.O out ...

Start studying Sponge Anatomy. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. To help students learn the anatomy of the sponge, print out a black and white version of the color diagram below: Anatomy of the Sponge. _____ Testing and Assessment. Assess content comprehension about Porifera (Sponges) with the Mutiple Choice Test. Assess anatomical vocabulary comprehension of the Sponge Anatomy Labeling Page. Biology questions and answers. 1.Identify/label the following structures in the sponge diagram. choanocytes radial canal spongocoel osuculum - Trace the flow of water through the structures listed above. - What cells of the sponge create the water flow and how do they generate the flow? Label Sponge External Anatomy Diagram Using the definitions listed below, label the sponge and the flow of water through it. A page on sponges: epidermis - the layer of cells that covers the outer surface of the sponge. The thin, flattened cells of the epidermis are called pinacocytes.

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